Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gimme a kiss on Tuesday........

Woke up to a bright-eyed smile this morning!! Daddy made it in last night after braving blowing snow and traveling 65 mph most of the way.  So glad he could make it :)
The past few days, MercyMay has been retaining alot of fluid in her abdomen as well as the rest of her body.  Her belly is very distended. It's hard to see her puff up like that. Still no fever which is great. She is dumping quite a bit of fluid into her JP drain still, so yesterday they took a sample to make sure there was no bile present. No news was good news, then this morning during rounds the surgeon team said the percentage was low and that meant the bile is traveling through her blood and not escaping out of the drain. Now if we could also see some evidence in her stool, we would be on our way to victory.  She only had one small bowel movement yesterday, and haven't seen much action today. She has been on pain medication that can constipate her too, so it's a constant "wondering" and "guessing" and trying to aleviate any issues she may have, trying not to create more issues....
Last night we had our favorite nurse, Aimee. She takes very good care of this little nugget. We had a pain free, stress free night thanks to her caring spirit and loving heart. She works again tonight, so we will get to see her one more time this week.  We both agreee that it would be more pleasant to see each other at Target or the grocery store, but it comes with the territory.  Hopefully we will be discharged by Saturday (her next day on) which is so bitter sweet when it comes to saying "goodbye" to the special heroes and friends we have made here at the hospital.  Thanks again, Aimee :)

Today has been a great day. My first text this morning was from a very close friend of mine and I feel like sharing :)  It read: 
"Good morning .... It's a beautiful morning, crisp air, and warm sun. I think it will be a good day for The McCullough's."    Right you are my friend, right you are.
Mercy's labs were drawn today and her liver enzyme numbers came back in double digits in the normal range!! She has been in abnormal triple digits since we found out she was ill.   Her total bilirubin level has also dropped significantly, although not quite "normal" yet.  Any good news is great news and it takes time. So YES, the morning was beautiful and the day is good.  :)


  1. I am so glad to hear that everything is going well today. Hopefully little Mercy is getting better. We miss you and her around her and can't wat for you to get back! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
    With love,

  2. Mercy May, grandma sent you many Kisses. I am still learning how to send a comment to you so I hope you received all those Kisses.
    I sent lots of hugs with it.
    Enjoy the day (s) with mommy and daddy there beside you and soon you will be home to those furry friends of your. Waiting to see you soon.
    Love you grandma

  3. All our love & prayers coming to you from Billings. You look so precious in this mornings picture! Don't you just hate all that medication & poking around on your body? You listen to what they say though...those Denver doctors took care of me & got me through some tough times & they will with you too little darlin'. We love you & are anxious for you to get home.
    Love & kisses,
    Nannie & Grampa

  4. Awwwwww!!! I love you guys!!!


  5. So glad to read your good news! I hope the rest of your week brings more good news and goes by fast ~ I bet you're looking forward to being home! Loves, hugs, prayers and cares, Steph
