Tuesday, May 10, 2011

MercyMay had her PICC line put in yesterday which (after the fact) is a great thing. The events leading up to it...not so great. We had to put her on NPO (can't eat due to anesthesia for the procedure) at 4:00 a.m. because her appointment was scheduled at 8:00 a.m..  No big deal because most of that she is sleeping. Then the doctors called down and rescheduled our appointment to 1:00 pm. So this meant, we had a half hour window to pig out, and go back on NPO.  Back to back "no eating" sessions, quite frankly, sucks....for both of us.  But it's over now, moving on.....The rest of the day was spent catching up on some rest and keeping her relaxed.
Her bilirubin is up to 11.7 (it shows in her eyes) and liver enzymes have not improved, but have not gotten worse. Sometimes the response to these treatments is quick and sometimes it takes a month or longer. However, the lack of significant improvement in the last week, has prompted them to begin the process of transplant evaluation.  This does not mean that we are "on the list" yet, but we have a gut feeling that says we're headed in that direction.


  1. Mercy honey, you & your momma are gonna love that PICC line. It will make both your lives easier for draws & injections. I've had 2 so this is the voice of experience speaking. How many leads do you have - 1, 2, or 3? Mom & dad will learn to give you any injections you need at home & there will be no tears. Yahoo! Love you & mom & dad!
    Nannie & Grandpa

  2. That really sucks for you Mercy and your mommy when you don't get to eat. I know HOW YOU LOVE YOUR FOOD. Its something you just don't understand when no one will feed you. I am happy to hear you had a better day and you got to eat. Now....where are we going from here.? I guess you are going to do what you need to do. Grandma just wants you to get well so I can have a few of those smiles.I want for what ever is the best for you Mercy May. If you can't come home soon, grandma and grandpa will come to Denver to see you. Sleep tight baby girl. I love you
    hugs and kisses to mommy. I will give your daddy hugs xxxx

  3. Hi Mercy

    Grandma is thinking about you today and sending lots of love and sunshine.

