Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Be strong....Baby, please be strong....."

After a week of acholic stool and progressive fussiness, we were admitted Wednesday evening.  We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Bozeman Deaconess Hospital treating Mercy for potential cholangitis. Friday morning we drew labs and they came back with very little improvement.  We also did an ultrasound which showed pockets of fluid. The concern then is, a leak (bile spilling out into her abdomen), ascites or cholangitis.  She is extremely anemic so before we left we had to do a blood transfusion...can this get any more emotional???
Before I move on, I must tell you about a new special superhero we met in Bozeman and her name is Erin. Erin drew Mercy's labs for her with grace and ease and as you know, that is very important to me. THANK YOU ERIN!!!
After showing very little improvement in 48 hours, displaying actions of pain and just not being herself, Mercy and I were flown out by Life Flight again last night at around 3am.  Emotionally, today is a hard day. This is the hardest thing I have ever done.  Fortunately, the flight this time was not nearly as brutal as the last one. We made sure MercyMay was comfortable and I think her trip went much smoother for her, it did for me. 
I have been waiting for the team here in Denver to review the Ultrasound done in Bozeman so we can get a plan of attack going. I was just informed they will be here in 10 minutes to pick us up and take us down to have another Ultrasound performed.......... De. Ja.Vu.


  1. sending all good vibes your way you guys--hold each other tight!
    jenn, matt + elly

  2. Darling Mercy,
    I'm so sorry to hear you're back in Denver yet again. This is just so hard on you & your folks. You all are going to be so tough after having endured this. Nannie & Grandpa love you all so much.
    Love, kisses & prayers!

  3. Praying for you and your family. Stay strong and God Bless you all.

    Christy Billings MT

  4. All my thoughts and prayers are with you Mercy and your family. So glad to hear that your flight to Denver went smoothly.

    All my hugs

  5. You are in my thoughts and prayers ....
    Stay strong little one;)
    miss you and love you!!!!!!
