Saturday, August 6, 2011

The GIFT of DONATED LIFE begins today. Her transplant surgery is scheduled for 7:00 am 08/06/2011


  1. Hip-Hip-Hurray! Praying for you and the doctors too!

  2. Hope everything is going well! Sending hugs and good thoughts your way!
    Cassandra and Ayvrie

  3. This is a great gift of life and boy we are so happy for Mercy. Yes it is to bad one has to leave us to help another.Life is really got it's ups and downs for all of us.
    Hoping for Great Things for our baby Mercymay.
    Thank you Rod for all of your updates today.
    We have really been counting on the updates as we get them.
    Sending lots of love your way.
    Love you all
    Your Dad & Nancy
    Billings Mt.
