Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WEEK 6......waiting....patiently

This Friday will mark the 6th week of Mercy being on the transplant list. We are more than ready to get this game started. The fundraisers were a great time filled with family, old friends as well as making many new friends.  We really appreciate the hospitality that Highland Pacific and its employees provided for us. Mama actually got to stay out, sans baby, for a few hours of fun!
Thank you to all who came and supported us.
My 13 year old neice came and stayed with me for a few weeks to help pass some time. She was a huge help and sure loves her (only) baby cousin.
Can't believe it's July already.  The entire weekend of the 4th was spent with friends while on Independence Day, Mercy and I watched fireworks out our RMH window.
Looks like we might even catch a Rockies game this week.
Mercy has been stable. She popped another bottom tooth and is certainly talking and babbling alot more. Won't be long 'til she figures out how to wave hello/goodbye...the fingers are movin' but don't quite know where they want to go yet :)


  1. Hey there Mercymay and Mama !
    Can't wait to see my girls.
    Love ya

  2. we miss you lots! So good to hear that the fundraisers went well and you had a little fun too, you both deserve it! we wish could have been there. Teeth, huh? That is a big deal and they look so cute when their teeth arrive. :0) we are thinking and praying for you everyday. We love you and miss you. Colee, Jon & Holden

  3. Hello..getting teeth & babbling..All the things they do as they grow..very special... How time has flown by.(for me,anyway) So glad to hear Mercy is stable..shes such a sweety!! Will be coming down & will be in touch..all our love..xoxo Donna & family

  4. Hi Mercy May, grandma misses you. So you have another little tooth. How fun. Happy to hear they are waiting for that special Liver four you. Soon Baby Girl.
    Love you

  5. Any news yet? I know that you all want to get back to Big Sky Country!! Best wishes as you wait!
    Patti Lemmon--a friend of Grandma and Grandpa McCullough
