Friday, June 3, 2011

beneFIT for MercyMay



Highland Pacific Restaurant & Oyster Bar 
3934 W 32nd Ave.
Denver, CO. 80212 

 .....  *LIVE MUSIC      *GOOD PEOPLE      *GREAT FOOD        *LIBATIONS  .....

 Here's the scoop:
A friend of ours has offered his business as a venue to raise money for our family.  Ed and his wife also have a child with special needs, which comes with enormous medical expenses and have held fundraisers for her through their business with live music.  We have a very strong connection to music and believe it helps us with the healing process. We are asking you to come down and join us. Eric Martinez and Tori Pater will be playing both nights. If you are looking for a more laid back, mellow environment then I would suggest you come on the 15th, (restaurant opens at 4pm) have some dinner, a few drinks and donate.  Mercy and I will be available to mingle and chat (providing we don't get the call for her liver, otherwise we will be admitted to the hospital).  After 9pm, the party will certainly start to "pick up". 
As for the 22nd, the atmosphere will be a little more crazy :) Widespread Panic will be playing the following weekend at Red Rocks which is a HUGE deal in Colorado. From what we are told, the restaurant will be nuts by 9:00 pm.  We will be raffling a 2010 Fall tour poster signed by the band, a 1996 framed Warfield poster, a Y2K framed Warfield poster and a custom made WP pendant made by a dear friend of ours as well as other special donations being given to us for the event.  Tickets will be $5 each or 5/$20.
We also will have T-shirts and with Mercy's logo (see above) for sale as well.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or donations...please send me an e-mail @

***Special thanks to those who have contributed and especially to Ed and his family for providing us a place to come together.


  1. Hey sweetie
    I sure miss your glowing smile and warm touch.
    Can't wait to see you.
    Your daddy

  2. Hello..Got my Mercy May t-shirt..very CQQL..everyone needs to get one or more!! Make lots of $$ on your benefit..Have fun &,donna & family

  3. We all wore our MERCY MAY t-shirts proudly to the benefit on Wed night in Denver.
    What a great time and food. The owners of the oyster bar are such great people and so nice of them to help us out.

    Mercy May grandma loves you it was so great to see you and that beautiful smile.

    Have fun wed night at the next benefit.

  4. Happy first Father's Day to Mercy May and her daddy!! I hope you have a wonderful day and that the good Lord soon finds that perfect liver for you!
    Patti Lemmon

  5. LOL- the good Lord had the chance 3 surgeries ago.
    Now our faith is in science, modern technology and some
    amazing doctors in Denver.

    Also there would be no waiting list for any child if
    everyone was an organ donor.

  6. See you on Wednesday 6-22-11! Steph and I will be down there around 6-6:30 PM. Hope to see you there! Save me one of those tshirts in a large!


  7. Happy Fathers Day to Rod & his girls!!! Love y'all..Donna & family
