Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where there is LOVE, there is HOPE

“Gratitude is an art of painting adversity into a lovely picture.”  Kak Sri

As you know, on October 21, 2010, little Miss Mercy May was brought into this wonderful, crazy world we all call life. It is a day we will never forget. From that point on we knew our life was to be filled with immense happiness and smiles, dirty diapers, spilled milk, lots of tears, scraped knees and all the other fun stuff and hard work that we knew came with being a new parent. Never in a million years could we be prepared for the news our doctor presented to us January 13, 2011. Mercy was 84 days old.
“You guys are on a flight tonight  to Denver. If Mercy is not treated very soon, the disease is life threatening.”  Words and urgency we will never forget.  They suspected it was a very rare, congenital illness called Biliary Atresia. We didn’t realize it at the time, but these words and this new term were about to change our lives forever. Rod and I looked at each other in complete disbelief.
That night, I quickly and frantically packed our lives into a suitcase thinking we would be gone for  a week, maybe 2 weeks.  We were scheduled on a flight the next morning. I thought to myself (with much hope) that surely this could not be THAT serious.  Little did we know, I would not sleep in my own bed or Mercy in her own crib for the next 4 weeks. 


  1. Thanks for the updates!

  2. Hey baby girl.
    Grandma is putting wonderful things into the universe
    for your day tomorrow.
    Wish I could be there with you, but I know your mommy and daddy will give you the love and a whole bunch from me.
    Love you

  3. This looks wonderful, and seeing how Mercy has grown and recovered from this moment in her life....well, it's pretty flippin' amazing! I'm so glad you put the DONATE button on here, it makes it so much easier to support your family. I love hearing about your perspectives related to nutrition and how it has the opportunity to help Mercy grow. Love you all!

  4. Hey old friends...good energy is coming your way. Mercy is on our minds.
